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Clearfield Job Corps Center - Real Haunt in Clearfield UT

  • 20 W. 1700 S
  • Clearfield, UT
  • (801) 774-4000
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This site was once part of an old naval base and is believed to be haunted by many ghosts. There are three spirits who linger inDorm E, a young girl who bounces a ball in the hallways, an RA who likes to check the "students" (visitors) into their rooms, and another ghost who has not been identified. A nurse's spirit is also said to reside in Dorm L, wearing old-fashioned clothing.
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  • Ghost experience

    I can't remember what dorm I was in but I do remember hearing what sounded like a typewriter sounds at night. I also remember going to the movies theater and it was always cold and I was getting ready to go into town one weekend and there was a small window in the door and I was sitting in front of a mirror and I looked in the mirror and seen a black man looking in and it looked like his eyes were rolled in the back of his head all I seen was white and he was gone and no one else seen him

    Posted 8/31/24

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  • I was there in 2004

    I did my Job Corps time during 2004 -2005. I lived in both T and Q dorm. While I was in T dorm I experienced having my arm rubbed in the middle of the night on the side of my bed where a closet was. The Green Grass Hotel if they still call it that in front of the admin building had hella cold spots all the time. Q dorm had weird noises, and a shadow man that lived in the little hall across from the closet. I decided to bring my oujia with me when I came back from holiday. We had a blast communicating with spirits, until security guards stole my oujia. However, best experience of my life.

    Posted 4/9/24

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  • Haunted grounds

    Alot of Ghost experiences G dorm haves about 2 Ghost one of them pushes a buffer machine around 3am dark shadows floating down the hall ways and rooms also you hear noises all around you other ghosts makes you feel his presence around you start sweating and feeling perilized also the movie theater is very haunted but other then that fun experience I had because I'm knowledgeable and humbled about after life and spirits. Ps if you have to walk to the clinic at night by yourself be prepared to feel eyes on you...

    Posted 11/12/23

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  • Dorm life with a ghost or two

    While this location is not open to the general public it makes a interesting work environment to work in. As a RA for several months i had both graveyard shifts and early weekend mornings. While sitting in most of the RA offices you can hear tapping scratching and other dislocated noises. Cold spots are a common occurrence as well as lights, orbs and apparitions.

    Posted 2/24/21

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (801) 774-4000

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Visitors to this page: 2,990
Clicks to Website: 6
Last edit to this listing: 5/30/2017 (2857 days ago)

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